Spring Cream Update

We’ve updated the Cream ‘o the Crop studio list and included the results of the latest People’s Choice poll. We’ll conduct another poll in the… Read more

Headless studio reel 2010

Barcelona based Headless Productions is Adrian Garcia, Alfredo Torres and Victor Maldonado. This is their reel and it’s really, really good.

Israeli Spaghetti

This stop motion spot from Israel, for local telecom giant Bezeq, seems (too?) heavily inspired by PES‘s masterpiece, Western Spaghetti

Martin Allais (boolab) for Elisava

Forget tilt-shift. boolab’s Martin Allais uses real miniatures and camera movement to tell this story for Elisava.


Check out this year’s SHOOT New Directors Showcase

Frankie De Leonardis

boolab recently teamed up with agency Young & Rubicam Madrid to create a whimsical three-spot testimonial campaign for financial services company BBVA. Directed by Frankie… Read more

Impossible Dream 1.5

Ivan Zacharias and W+K reunite for Honda’s Impossible Dream.

BBGUN Live Animates for Loyal Divide

BBGUN’s (Maxim Bohichik & Alex Bergman) “Vision Vision” video for Loyal Divide is yet another in-camera act of simplicity. Making its debut at the Booze,… Read more

One Day On Earth

I’ve been watching this project evolve over the past few months and it’s scope and depth has grown to something worth noticing. As part of… Read more

Nathan Love: Website Update

Nathan Love updates their website with oodles of fresh, new work from the likes of Baskin-Robbins, Stridex, Chips Ahoy, CBA, and Dante’s Infero (styleframes +… Read more
reel menno fokma

New reel by Menno Fokma

New reel by Dutch Menno Fokma. Watch out, it’s sharp! Super audio by Studio Takt

“Augmented Shadow” by Joon Moon

Check out Joon Moon‘s playful and elegant table-top interactive installation – “Augmented Shadow“. (via the excellent Creative Applications)

The CalArts Story (1964)

The CalArts Story (1964) illustrates the original vision of the academic institution, as imagined through Walt Disney’s live-action shorts of the era.

MAD MMX 2010: July 2nd and 3rd

Madrid hosts MAD MMX 2010, featuring Dvein, David Carson, Kyle Cooper and Motionographer’s Matt Lambert, among many others.