Rebranding by Scott Benson

Scott Benson, an animator whose hilarious Man and Cat at the End of the World we quickied last year has just put out a short… Read more


“Dimension” is Olivier Wyart’s attempt to describe our singular condition, weaknesses and limits.

Polynoid Is Rolling…

Freshly signed to Blacklist (plus a fun night to kick it off), check out Polynoid’s site, reel, and a trailer for their newest piece; Loom.… Read more

Impactist 2010 Reel: No Context

Impactist’s latest montage is “comprised of over 50 projects taken entirely out of context.”

Eric Epstein for Migrant Rights

Eric Epstein’s beautiful pro-bono piece for a very ugly truth: modern day slavery in Middle East.

Doug Appleton

Doug Appleton is about to graduate from NorthEastern in Boston MA, ladies and gents. He’s already done a few things for Buck, and his reel… Read more

Doug Appleton

Impressive reel from soon-to-be-graduating 3D generalist, Doug Appleton. He’s already done some work for Buck, so grab him while you still can!

Headless studio reel 2010

Barcelona based Headless Productions is Adrian Garcia, Alfredo Torres and Victor Maldonado. This is their reel and it’s really, really good.

Israeli Spaghetti

This stop motion spot from Israel, for local telecom giant Bezeq, seems (too?) heavily inspired by PES‘s masterpiece, Western Spaghetti

Martin Allais (boolab) for Elisava

Forget tilt-shift. boolab’s Martin Allais uses real miniatures and camera movement to tell this story for Elisava.


Check out this year’s SHOOT New Directors Showcase

Frankie De Leonardis

boolab recently teamed up with agency Young & Rubicam Madrid to create a whimsical three-spot testimonial campaign for financial services company BBVA. Directed by Frankie… Read more

Impossible Dream 1.5

Ivan Zacharias and W+K reunite for Honda’s Impossible Dream.