Newton has arrived!

We posted a preview of Newton back in May. The time has arrived — you can head over to Motion Boutique and try or buy… Read more

Björk and Scott Snibbe: Biophilia

Creative Applications reviews Björk and Scott Snibbe’s experimental music album meets iPad app, Biophilia.

Plasticine Rhythm

Animator, illustrator and musician Andy Martin took a series of stop-motion animations he created for Vine and used them as a launchpad for “Plasticine Rhythm.”… Read more

To boldly go…

Step into the wild and weird world of Buck as they dive head first into the new frontier of mixed-reality.

IBM Phones And Food

The interplay of live action and exaggerated device interactions give this spot for IBM a shot of whimsy that separates it from the herd. (And… Read more

Rise and Fall Q&A:

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough Questions: How did this project come about? What was the initial brief from ‘boards magazine? We were contacted by Nexus… Read more