Shilo: Mercenaries 2 “Ca$h”

UPDATE: A directors cut with an alternate soundtrack can be found on Shilo’s site. Click on “Directors Cut” next to “Broadcast.” Working with San Francisco… Read more

Prologue: Iron Man 2

For those of you who’ve seen Iron Man 2 (has anyone not seen it?), you know that Robert Downey Jr. shares the screen with Mickey… Read more

It’s Back: Yule Log 2.0(14)!

Gather round world wide web! Daniel Savage, Oddfellows and Wondersauce have banded together to present the blazing work of over 80 artists. Inspired by the… Read more

12 Days of Elves

Some devilish minds (who wish to remain anonymous) have whipped up a dozen gruesome but chuckle-worthy animations, 12 Days of Elves. EDITOR’S NOTE: At the… Read more

Elastic: Arrowhead Nature’s Fix

[pro-player width=’468′ height=’300′ image=’’ type=’video’][/pro-player] What’s more illicit than bottling water and shipping it across state lines? Just about everything. But that didn’t stop Elastic… Read more

Le Soupe: Europe 2 TV

Some of the work in Le Soupe’s montage of IDs for Europe 2 TV really gets under my skin. Sorry. Bad joke. But hey, the… Read more “Moving In”

Lots of nice details in this commercial for I also loved’s previous spots, directed by Michael Langan, We Are Art and artCircles.