Let There Be Sims: Happy

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/smithfoulkes_sims3_s_640.mov 640 360] Credits Client: EA Games Title: Let There Be Sims / ‘Happy’ & ‘Lollipop’ Length: 2 x 30sec Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland… Read more

Let There Be Sims: Lollipop

[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/smithfoulkes_lollipop_sims3_s_640.mov 640 360] Credits Client: EA Games Title: Let There Be Sims / ‘Happy’ & ‘Lollipop’ Length: 2 x 30sec Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland… Read more

Blur Takes Us Back To Hell

This past Sunday, the standard superbowl advertisements focused on beer, babes and general safe tomfoolery, were briefly interrupted with a stirring glimpse of Hell. Videogame… Read more

Credit Where Credit Is Due

When we see something great here at Motionographer HQ, we really like to know who’s behind it. We want to know who it was made… Read more

The Path to Motion Hatch

In this Motionographer Guest Post, we hear from Hayley Akins, the founder of Motion Hatch, about how the site began and where it's headed!

Onesize: Playground Titles

[qt:https://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/PlaygroundsTitle_H264.mov 900 506] Onesize creative director Rogier Hendriks: We ended up with the idea to have two fighters on a children’s playground. Kind of a… Read more

Best Tutorial Ever?

Wildly entertaining and incredibly practical, are these... the best tutorials ever?