What’s In the Box?

“What in the Box?” is the extremely ambitious “test film” created by a Dutch students Tim Smit and Thibaut Niels that’s been heating up YouTube—and… Read more

May/June Events Roundup

Photo by Victoria Peckham There’s a lot going over the next month. I’ll try to round up a few of the relevant events here. Stay… Read more

Motionographer Team

For the love of the work Motionographer is an all-volunteer organization run by professional artists, designers and directors in our spare time. We don’t make any… Read more

Supinfocom: Great Glutton Island

The classic quote “never judge a book by its cover,” definitely comes to mind in “Great Glutton Island,” a beautifully animated short by Supinfocom student… Read more

N.A.S.A. “Whatchadoin?”

Continuing in the brilliant tradition of the other audio/visual releases from N.A.S.A. is “Whatchadoin?”, directed by Jimena Oddi and Jorge Jaramillo. The concept grew from… Read more

Flying V: Virgile

Flying V, a new collaboration between 2008 Supinfocom alumni Clément Soulmagnon & Gary Levesque, has created a short film titled Virgile. Following a shy guy… Read more

Alex Roman: TheThird&TheSeventh

Some philosophies of aesthetics enumerate seven primary art forms derived from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s “Lectures on the Aesthetics” and the writings of film theorist… Read more

Twenty120 Interview

Hey guys, so lets start with a little history. What are the origins of Twenty120? How did you come up with the current format of… Read more

The Cat Piano

A few years ago now on one of my many internet safari outings, I remember stumbling upon an animated gif of what I now know… Read more

Offline by Matthew Santoro

Good Monday morning Motionographer readers. Maybe you are confused as to why we are starting this week out by posting a trailer for some big… Read more

Rupert & Asylum Drop Droids

Verizon literally goes to war with its touch-screen competitors in this new spot for Droid. Brought to you by “author of epicness,” Rupert Sanders and… Read more

By and By by the Snorri Bros.

By and By is a new video that the Snorri Brothers directed for Lay Low, a fellow Icelandic artist. Using a simple visual motif that… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Blur Takes Us Back To Hell

This past Sunday, the standard superbowl advertisements focused on beer, babes and general safe tomfoolery, were briefly interrupted with a stirring glimpse of Hell. Videogame… Read more

Bobby !

It gives me tremendous pleasure when we get to feature a studio that’s not located in the Motion Design Meccas of the world (NYC, LA,… Read more

Motion Theory: NCAA Under Construction

Motion Theory continues their decade-long run in the sports spot game with NCAA “Under Construction” from director Grady Hall. Hall’s background as a writer always… Read more

VFX Townhall Recap and Links

Lee Stranahan’s Monday night VFX Townhall: The State of The Industry was a big success. Not in providing a solution, but in starting a discussion,… Read more

Clemens Kogler’s Phonovideo

Austrian student Clemens Kogler just released a new film called Phonovideo which is an intriguing mix of cel-animation that was shot and edited in a… Read more