Oktobor’s Jonny Kofoed

I saw this cheery Tip Top advert over at Feed, but I wanted to enjoy it at a larger resolution. So I dug a little… Read more

Diogo R. G. Kalil

Wow, the response to Motionographer has been incredible. Thanks to everyone for all the email. Your feedback, suggestions and words of encouragement are what keep… Read more

Talented Italians

Recently I was introduced to the insanely talented director Lorenzo Fonda. His work deserves a post to itself but he’s collaborating with the talented graffiti… Read more

Digital Kitchen: Dexter Titles

I’m not really sure how I feel about Showtime’s new series, Dexter, but one thing’s for certain: Digital Kitchen did a bad ass great job… Read more

Christopher Mills: HP “Crazy Town”

The mixed media style of “Crazy Town” directed by Christopher Mills (Spy Entertainment) is fun and, in terms of HP’s existing campaigns, daringly different. I’m… Read more

Universal Everything: Audi

Last week I posted Flight404, the work of Robert Hodgin, who uses Processing to create particle systems that respond to music. This week, I’m posting… Read more

BMW: Pursuit Across Europe

I’m posting BMW’s Pursuit Across Europe mainly for the stylized 3D cutscenes by Electric Umbrella, but honestly I dig the gameplay, too. I’m amazed at… Read more

Alan Watts, South Park Style

I’m an Alan Watts fanatic. I have listened to countless hours of his lectures, and I’ve read several of his books. There’s just something about… Read more

Lobo Updates

Lobo’s recently refreshed site is brimming with charming new projects that involve everything from fluid character animation to beautifully layered compositions glittering with jewel-toned palletes.… Read more


Goobees is a fantastic and twisted short film made by four grad students at Texas A&M. In order to not be a spoiler for the… Read more

Be back in two weeks!

Hello all, this is just a little note to let you know that I’m taking a two-week vacation for my wedding and honeymoon. I’m leaving… Read more