Between Lines | Project Breakdown

We take a deeper look at the animated short, Between Lines, from the ideas that didn't make it to the processes behind the scenes.


JM Blay's Magical Quest: Translating Mistborn from Page to Screen - Breaking Free from Constraints to Unleash Creativity

Two More Envelope-Pushers

If you’ve been reading this site (or Tween) for any time at all, you know I love to talk about the convergence of web and… Read more

Perception: More Than Meets the Eye

One of Perception’s early concepts Playing with 3D space Another early concept using scale to create visual interest Animation test, experimenting with pacing and camera… Read more

Interview: Garson Yu of yU+co

“300” main-on-end titles Storyboards for “300” main-on-end titles Animatic for “300” sequence “Bee Movie” end credit sequence Storyboards for “Bee Movie” end credit sequence “Enchanted”… Read more

Trailer Thrash

First and foremost, kudos to Justin for running this amazing website and acting as the provider to all of us in the motion world, no… Read more

yU+co: Cirque du Freak Titles

[qt: 720 405] Interview with Motionographer’s Brandon Lori: How hands-on was Paul Weitz, director of Cirque du Freak, in the creation of the main title,… Read more

Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more

Blind’s Heart of Stone

[qt: 640 360] How did this second collaboration between Blind and The Raveonettes come about and were there any differences this time around in the… Read more

Malcolm Sutherland “Umbra”

Montreal-based Malcolm Sutherland is a busy guy, creating self-initiated short films ranging from meditations on the beach to Mayan-inspired space travel to contributing to Star… Read more

Prologue: X Men

Director Simon Clowes shared some valuable insight on the title sequence with Motionographer: The majority of these big budget movies have elaborate visual effects and… Read more