Capacity: “Upgrade + Mobilize” Q&A

Click to watch “Upgrade + Mobilize” on Capacity’s site. Upgrade + Mobilize In the words of Capacity’s Ellerey Gave, “Before we became designers and animators… Read more

Keep Your Crises Small

I found this video through illustrator Frank Chimero’s excellent blog and listened to it while working today. It’s a speech that Ed Catmull, president of… Read more

Rise and Fall Q&A:

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough Questions: How did this project come about? What was the initial brief from ‘boards magazine? We were contacted by Nexus… Read more

VFX Townhall Recap and Links

Lee Stranahan’s Monday night VFX Townhall: The State of The Industry was a big success. Not in providing a solution, but in starting a discussion,… Read more

Buck: Sherwin Breakdown

[qt: 960 540] Last week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down with creative leads Orion Tait, Benjamin Langsfeld & Joshua… Read more

Maxim Zhestkov “RECURSION”

Q&A with Maxim Zhestkov by Igor Sordokhonov, with help from Lilian Darmono, Bran Dougherty-Johnson, Lauren Indovina, Brian Gossett and Sofia Radnabazarova. In your words, who… Read more

CANADA on How to Deconstruct Ice Cream

Editor’s note: The following post is by a new Motionographer contributor and copy editor, Brandon Walter Irvine. Please welcome him aboard! Perusing the Quickies the… Read more

[Review] Frank

Editor’s note: Like all our reviews, this is one is uncompensated and written purely out of curiosity about a new service that might be useful… Read more

Gabe Askew: “Goat and Aaron”

Gabe Askew (Hornet) is no stranger to Motionographer. We posted his first break-out project here, an unofficial music video for Grizzly Bears “Two Weeks” that… Read more

Q&A: Disassembling Assembly

New Zealand-based Assembly is an intriguing shop. Headquartered on a tiny (but beautiful) island nation, their portfolio ranges across character work, high-end vfx and interactive… Read more

Elements of Design

Matt Greenwood’s buttery smooth “Elements of Design” is a high-speed buffet of some key concepts behind motion graphic design. I’d love to try it as… Read more