Motion Theory Grows for VAIO

Motion Theory (dir. Grady Hall) continues to refine their sophisticated sensibilities with “Vines“, “Fly Trap” and “Breeze” for Sony VAIO. The simple concept from 180LA,… Read more

Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

With nearly 20 years experience under his belt, Sean McClintock has done a little bit of everything.  From the early days of Flash during the… Read more

Kubo and the Two Strings

Laika’s forthcoming feature, “Kubo and the Two Strings,” is a stunning blend of Japanese culture and magical adventure rendered in lovingly crafted stop-motion (boosted by liberal… Read more

Inside SIGGRAPH 2006

Monster Samurai / Grace McNamee Doll Face / Andrew Huang Brush / Victoria Caution Fog (Niebla) / Santi Fort e-scape / Masakazu Takano Mask of… Read more