I Was a Layer Tennis Competitor.

Last Friday I took part in the first Layer Tennis match done in After Effects. My opponent was Jason Koxvold, who I had previously collaborated… Read more


It’s rare to me to find a piece of work in our industry that seems to have true meaning to someone beyond just creative expression.… Read more

Nike Running: Men vs. Women

In a spot that appeals to our competitive natures, agency 72andSunny launches an integrated campaign for Nike Running in Europe aptly titled “Men vs. Women.”… Read more

“Piece of Me, Piece of You” Credits

Client: Microsoft Zune Title: “Piece of Me, Piece of You” Program Curator: 72andSunny/Los Angeles, CA Music Artist: Chromeo Song Title: “Fancy Footwork” Label: EMI Capital… Read more

Trailer Thrash

First and foremost, kudos to Justin for running this amazing website and acting as the provider to all of us in the motion world, no… Read more

Pelayo “CSI”

Credits Título: C.S.I Anunciante: Seguros Pelayo Agency: dommo Vicepresidente creativo: José M. Prieto Art director: Adrián Suárez Copy: Aída Zaragoza Productora: Tesauro Productor ejecutivo: Pancho… Read more

Bif for The Mill: “Dix”

The Mill’s renowned directing trio, Bif, has conceived a dark and eerie short-film in Dix. Dix, which is French for “ten,” highlights Mark, a tortured… Read more

The Power of Time Off

With only a few days left in 2009, it seems a fitting time to take a moment and reflect on this past year – but… Read more

Rise and Fall Q&A:

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough Questions: How did this project come about? What was the initial brief from ‘boards magazine? We were contacted by Nexus… Read more

Fx & Mat: Coke “Siege”

Artistically, what was the inspiration behind Coke Siege? Our intention was to make an epic film using the codes of the fantasy world. As illustrators… Read more

Hornet & Blinkink for Toyota

Directors Sumo Science, Yves Geleyn, Gabe Askew, and Major Briggs bring four very different – but equally cool – perspectives to the “Stories of Better”… Read more