Step by Step: Susan Yung

Ever wonder how those insanely talented artists on Tumblr paint such amazing work? Well, our final Step by Step of 2016 is a real treat… Read more

Step by Step: Jake Armstrong

With the boom of hand-drawn animation in the world of motion design, it's a no-brainer that we do a Step by Step profile on the… Read more

ICYMI: Lucky Holidays by Parabella

In case you missed it, enjoy this amazing animation by Parabella which is guaranteed to warm even the coldest of hearts.

Gunner + Blend = 🔥

Every so often, the stars collide. This time those stars are the indelible team behind Gunner and the ever-popular Blend Fest!

Inspiration (Beta)

There’s a lot of amazing work out there. This is what we’re watching. Note: This section of the site is currently in beta. Having trouble?… Read more

Suggest an Event

Please note: Submitting an event here does not guarantee its inclusion on Motionographer. All event submissions are reviewed by an actual human being.

Crowdfunding Policy

We get countless requests to share projects on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. We applaud the efforts of creative people using these funding mechanisms to… Read more

Industry Giants

We are excited to announce the Industry Giants 2015 lineup! We have an amazing group of folks coming to Dallas for this one day only… Read more