A New Model: Hooray or Nay?

I got an email recently from The Radar Festival about a new initiative they’ve launched. Here’s the gist of it straight from the horse’s mouth:… Read more

Psyop for Orangina

Psyop’s Todd Mueller and Kylie Matulick (who brought us Coke “Happiness Factory”) directed an oddly steamy spot for the bubbly French beverage Orangina. It’s only… Read more

Motion Theory for Weezer and O2

Weezer “Pork and Beans” Motion Theory co-founder and director Mathew Cullen has been busy lately. There’s a good chance you’ve already seen his music video… Read more

Prologue: Fall ’08 Updates

‘Tis the season for updating websites, and Prologue is the latest in a happy rash of relaunches and refreshes. Four new projects have hit their… Read more

What’s In the Box?

“What in the Box?” is the extremely ambitious “test film” created by a Dutch students Tim Smit and Thibaut Niels that’s been heating up YouTube—and… Read more

Alex Roman: TheThird&TheSeventh

Some philosophies of aesthetics enumerate seven primary art forms derived from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s “Lectures on the Aesthetics” and the writings of film theorist… Read more

Yellow Cake

Yellow Cake is a new short film by Nick Cross, an Ottawa-based animator who has worked for everyone from Nickelodeon to Spumco over the course… Read more

Rise and Fall Q&A:

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough Questions: How did this project come about? What was the initial brief from ‘boards magazine? We were contacted by Nexus… Read more

GEL 2010 T&F Q&A

The original styleframe board which T&F presented. What was the brief for this piece, and how did you approach coming up with the concept? The… Read more

Lucas Zanotto for TUI

What can you make with paper cut-outs, fishing line, a hole puncher, and a Canon 7D? Lucas Zanotto shows us with his live action animation… Read more

L’Odyssée de Cartier

Released today, a crazy 3:30 Minute piece directed by Bruno Aveillan, nearly two years in the making with a team of 50 people. Details to… Read more

Lucas Zanotto: The Real Bears

Here in New York City, Mayor Bloomberg recently championed some controversial restrictions on the sale of sugary soda drinks, sparking debates about how much government… Read more

Factory Fifteen: Jonah

Kibwe Tavares’ vision for “Jonah” is a unique one. Though the film is laden with visual effects from Factory Fifteen and Jellyfish Pictures, they are… Read more

Digital Currency and You.

As our industry changes, it’s important to keep an eye on how trends in the wider world can affect us. While Motionographer does not specifically… Read more