Girl Hub

Not to Scale’s Man vs Magnet (Matt Smithson) is back for The Girl Effect, this time with a more illustrative approach in “Girl Hub.” The… Read more

Guinness: Fridge Magnet

Solid live action directing and visual effects in this new Guinness advert, “Fridge Magnet” (Thanks, Seth Gantman!)

Jack and the Giant

Lots of folks have been playing with Ferrofluid, magnets and household cleaners to create sumptuous, organic visuals. But this music video for alovelikepi’s “Jack and the… Read more

Modul: Diploma Project by Maxim Zhestkov

Young designer/director Maxim Zhestkov has just released his diploma project,  entitled “Modul.” Explains Maxim: “I’ve tried to reflect the universe in infinite confinement. Pulsating energy… Read more

The stellar portfolio of Carlo De Agostini

Flaunting a magnetic portfolio that’s chock-full of slick and polished works, London-based Carlo De Agostini flexes his directorial muscle to a swooning freelance market.

Arev Manoukian: Nuit Blanche

A couple years ago, it seemed everyone and their mother was shooting with a Phantom camera, capturing life’s minutiae in ultra slow-motion. While the results… Read more

Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Made for Each Other

As part of Frito Lay’s “Made for Each Other” campaign, two Motionographer favorites have created two decidedly adorable mini-shorts about finding true love. Although they’re… Read more

Puma “Lift”

[qt: 848 480] Credits Client: Puma Title: Lift Agency: Droga5, New York Creative Chairman: David Droga Executive Creative Director: Duncan Marshall Art Director: January Vernon… Read more

Semiconductor Films

Semiconductor Films (Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt) have been creating their Sound Films and Live Animations for almost ten years now (long before folks were… Read more

Nervo for Timex

QuickTime version (960 x 540) Nervo’s posted a new project for Timex that I want to share here for two main reasons: 1) the process… Read more

ADC Young Guns 7 Winners

Last night’s ADC Young Guns opening was inspirational as always with a great showing from all 50. However, it was the growing inclusion of moving-image… Read more

Nathan Love’s Suicidal Cabbage

Director: Nathan Love Executive Producer: Mike Harry Producer: Derrick Huang Creative Directors: Joe & Kate Burrascano Character Design / Storyboards: Morgan Schweitzer Animatic: Chase Massingill… Read more


    DVEIN | ANIMARIO     Carlos Pardo and Teo Guillem of Dvein and Ivan Llopes of Banjo Soundscapes do a live interview with… Read more