Bare Bones US Debut

On Tuesday the 29th at NYC’s Envoy Enterprises, London-based art crew, Bare Bones (founded by Harry Malt), will be having their US debut show. After… Read more

Onward Internet!

Buck brings us a delightul tale of the internet using a variety of styles and techniques, combined with the always solid sound design by Antfood—love the old… Read more

Nike Football: The Last Game

Jon Saunders (formerly of Psyop, now at Passion Pictures) directs this action-packed 5-minute short for Nike, featuring the likenesses of Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Zlatan… Read more

Capitu Titles

So, due to popular demand, I’m pleased to re-present (as a full post) the title sequence to ‘Capitu’–a TV miniseries, based on a 19th century… Read more

Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

With nearly 20 years experience under his belt, Sean McClintock has done a little bit of everything.  From the early days of Flash during the… Read more

Challenge Your World 20/20

Through an online community, contests, and events, Challenge Your World connects emerging entrepreneurs to the resources and expertise they need to launch companies that restore… Read more

Superfad : Preguntas Hermosas

Superfad Seattle has just released a new short film called Preguntas Hermosas, a beautiful tale of a time shared between two people told through a… Read more

Shynola: Coldplay “Strawberry Swing”

Interview with Shynola’s Chris Harding The following interview was a joint effort between Motionographer authors Lillian Darmono and James Wignall. Story All your music videos… Read more

HBO Voyeur Project

HBO voyeur is a tantalizing project the gives us a glimpse into all the simultaneous lives being acted out in a single apartment building. This… Read more

Comcast “Rabbit”

The script for “Rabbit,” a new Comcast advert directed by Biscuit Filmworks’ Noam Murro, would probably work as a radio spot. But the visuals add… Read more

Jonny Kofoed, PAMS Q&A

What was the initial pitch brief from the agency, and how did you choose to answer it? (I.e. by sticking closely to their wish list… Read more

Dear Sesame St.

Dear Sesame Street,  We, the undersigned, would like to register our concern over the contest you are now conducting with Aniboom. We are concerned that… Read more