Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Personal Portfolio Round-Up

It's the end of the year, and everyone's relaunching their personal sites. Here are a few that have popped up on our radar.

Am I a Leader? Are you also one?

A leader of the heart: Are you one of them? #2 A series of compact, heart-charged articles where executive coach Marie Reig Florensa - together… Read more


JM Blay's Magical Quest: Translating Mistborn from Page to Screen - Breaking Free from Constraints to Unleash Creativity

Do I lead from the Heart?

A leader of the heart: Are you one of them? #4 is a series of compact, heart-charged articles where executive coach Marie Reig Florensa –… Read more

Memory Tapes’ “Yes I Know” by Najork

Memory Tapes’ “Yes I Know” from Najork on Vimeo. At first glance, a quiet, almost serene black and white video. Nevertheless, it’s packed with visual effects. Each image is carefully and… Read more

Newsletter Advertisers

Reach an all-new, motion-savvy audience looking for products and solutions.  Promote your product or service to an all-new audience that is actively looking for recommendations.… Read more