Double Your Pleasure

There’s a lot of nice, clean and functional motion work by London-based Double G Studios for BBC One, Chanel 4 and Audi Channel. These spots… Read more

Gareth = G’raffe

Well, this will bring me out of hiding. Gareth, a motion graphics artist from New Zealand, has recently put some of his work online, and… Read more

G’RAFFE updates

The talented G’RAFFE updates and sets off around the world before starting his new job at Buck. Good luck Gareth!

Daniel Kleinman: P&G “Kids”

[qt: 640 480] Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Agency Country: USA Agency Producer: Shelley Eisner Creative Director: Jason Bagley; Eric Baldwin Creative: Karl Lieberman; Ryan O’Rourke Director: Daniel Kleinman Production: Epoch Films; Rattling Stick Director of Photography: Carl Nilsson… Read more

Trollbäck for P&G

Trollbäck puts its simple and effective style to work in this nice new spot for P&G

Only Say Yes When It’s Yes

As the President of The Ashy Agency and Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Broadcast Design Association (BDA), Brett Ashy has worked with… Read more

Buck: Fuel TV IDs

Buck and Fuel TV: two great tastes that taste great together. Continuing its long and distinguished tradition of patronizing the best designers and animators in… Read more

A New Model: Hooray or Nay?

I got an email recently from The Radar Festival about a new initiative they’ve launched. Here’s the gist of it straight from the horse’s mouth:… Read more

Alaska Nanooks 2010 Hockey Intro

Mike Martinez’s Alaska Nanooks’ Intro of 07-08 was a truly over-the-top pastiche of lo-fi animation with hockey, explosions, a huge Polar Bear and 80s music.… Read more

Diogo R. G. Kalil

Wow, the response to Motionographer has been incredible. Thanks to everyone for all the email. Your feedback, suggestions and words of encouragement are what keep… Read more

See No Evil February

Keep Wednesday February 5th free for the first See No Evil of 2014! Evening of inspiration with the O.G’s of motion design, Mainframe.

See No Evil Tonight!

Tonight! The first See No Evil of 2014! Evening of inspiration with the O.G’s of motion design, Mainframe.

The Eye of the Storm

Well, classes are over and my finals are all turned in. I’m pretty pleased with my progress this quarter, but I’ve got a loooong way… Read more

Talented Italians

Recently I was introduced to the insanely talented director Lorenzo Fonda. His work deserves a post to itself but he’s collaborating with the talented graffiti… Read more