Grab Bag

There’s a lot of stuff I want to talk about, and I’m not sure if I should put it all in one massive post, or… Read more

Robert Seidel “Futures”

A while back on Tween, I posted Robert Seidel’s experimental short, “_grau,” with a healthy does of praise attached. I’m happy to announce that Robert… Read more

The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Pierre Michel: AVP and Polar 2007

Pierre Michel has recently posted two intense spots, one for AVP and one called Polar 2007. Each uses vfx-powered visuals and water-based tableaux to create… Read more

Tronic for Target

Tronic has recently released some stylish new projects for Target. The first three are minimalist semi-narratives (1 | 2 | 3) following marbles through abstractions… Read more

Justin Harder

This may be old news to some, I’m not really sure when it went live, but Justin Harder has graced the internet with a home… Read more

Royale Goes Live

Brien Holman, Jayson Whitmore and Jennifer Lucero have officially launched Royale. Brien and Jayson are bringing their extensive design and animation experience to the table,… Read more

Adam Gault: Lantern Fishes

I’ve raved about Adam Gault before, and as long as he keeps creating amazing work like his recent Lantern Fishes, I’m going to keep on… Read more

A Little Fuel for the Road

I’m in the middle of a five-day road trip from Cupertino to Savannah, burning up countless gallons of fossil fuel. How appropriate, then, that I… Read more

Knife Party & Sixty40. F#*K!

Knife Party (Motionographers own Simon Robson) & Sydney crew Sixty40 collaborated on this 40 second promo for a new show on the UK’s Channel 4,… Read more

Digital Domain for BMW

This recently released project from Digital Domain for BMW is a breathtakingly detailed mix of organic and industrial imagery full of verve and sophistication. While… Read more

Announcing F5

In partnership with the Executive Producer of OFFF NY, I’m pleased to announce F5, a two-day festival of creativity taking place in New York City.… Read more

I Met the Walrus

I’m so glad there’s an official version of Jerry Levitan and Josh Raskin’s Oscar-nominated short, “I Met the Walrus,” online now. If you haven’t heard… Read more

Colosse – A Wood Tale

Some months ago we announced the teaser, and now “Colosse – A Wood Tale”, the sweet new short directed by Hornet’s Yves Geleyn, is out. This beautifully handcrafted… Read more