Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Baby I’m Yours Q&A

Questions: How did you come up with the concept and idea for your treatment of this music video? The day me and Breakbot decided to… Read more

[Review] New York in Motion

Editor’s note: The following interview and review are by guest contributor Cheryl Yau, a 2012 MFA candidate in SVA’s Design Criticism program. Catch the next… Read more

Q&A: Disassembling Assembly

New Zealand-based Assembly is an intriguing shop. Headquartered on a tiny (but beautiful) island nation, their portfolio ranges across character work, high-end vfx and interactive… Read more

SPECTRUM: Yussef Cole

For this month's SPECTRUM profile, we talked with Bronx-based motion designer Yussef Cole about experimentation, critical thinking and questioning meritocracy.

Motion Matters’ Sponsored Spaces

Reach a motion-savvy audience looking for unexpected inspiration in innovative products, services and solutions. Promote your studio, initiative, product or service to an audience that… Read more


Goobees is a fantastic and twisted short film made by four grad students at Texas A&M. In order to not be a spoiler for the… Read more

Buck: Against Dumb

Buck‘s back again for Smart Car’s campaign, Against Dumb. It’s the eco-friendly-car idea explored in quite a particular way; a retro colour pallette, mixed with… Read more

Haynes “Beans”

This mock commercial is just too much fun not to share. I only wish real clients had the guts (pun intended) to fund this kind… Read more

Johnny Kelly: Shape

Director Johnny Kelly’s latest short, “Shape” is about the changing shape of the world around us. From home to school to work, it’s a tale… Read more

Naked and Roof: TF1 Pub Bumpers

Paris-based Naked tapped NYC-based Roof to co-create 45 eight-second bumpers for TF1. Each one is a tiny world packed with clever details that hold up… Read more

Steve Scott: Time’s the Charm

The talented Steve Scott returns with this elegantly crafted film for John Lobb via Not To Scale.  Steve’s charming illustrations capture the subtle tones of… Read more

Call for Proposals: MODE 2015

MODE 2015 is accepting entries for the following topics: Academic Papers and Presentations Curriculum Case Studies Professional and Creative Work Case Studies Conference themes The… Read more