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Articles and Interviews

A Conversation with Mate Steinforth April 18, 2012 Go! SXSW 2012: Animated Shorts April 10, 2012 Go! Motionographer’s Role in the Industry (Right Now) April… Read more

Fulltank: E3 G4 Promos

Mix simple pencil drawings with gruesome violence and you have yourself some neat little clips. Fulltank has taken an amusing approach with 72 and Sunny… Read more

Shilo: AVA video and Fuel

Shilo just updated with a few new pieces including the newest Angels and Airwaves music video. To me this video is a breath of fresh… Read more

Lots of Stash stuff…

I got a copy of this month’s STASH DVD, and wanted to pass along some of the notable work that was on it. Bran Dougherty-Johnson’s… Read more

Interview: LAMBO brings the RAD

Working out the logo A sketch for the Coke “Oh Yeah” spot Style frame for Fox College Sports Characters for the Coke “Bubbles” spot Motionographer… Read more

Patrick Scruggs Jr

Patrick Scruggs Jr is a young great LA based animator. His reel conjures up cliche action movie phrases like “action packed” and “an adrenaline rollercoaster”… Read more

Buck: Contractopia

Construction contracting has to be one of the driest possible topics for a commercial spot, right up there with accounting and insurance. Despite this, Buck… Read more

Nagi Noda

Born in Tokyo, Nagi Noda is a remarkably talented director/art director. Her unique vision and craft make each of her projects wonderful art pieces to… Read more

Interview: Troika Design Group

Talk to enough seasoned west coast mographers and you’re bound to hear Troika come up in conversation more than once. In addition to fostering a… Read more

Up for Discussion: Rerendered

Justin McClure has launched a new website called Rerendered, which he describes as a “garage sale of pre-comps and random experiments.” In a nutshell: you… Read more

zspace for ABC1

G’Day from Sydney, with news from my adopted home town of a major new project for Australia’s first channel ABC1, orchestrated by local moving image… Read more

We Are Seventeen: Fiver

I really dig the fluid energy and subtle cleverness in these two launch idents for UK channel Fiver from We Are Seventeen. Using only colored… Read more

Axel Rudolph: Knowledge

[Updated with subtitles] For his final year project at Berufsakademie Ravensburg in Germany, Axel Rudolph created “Knowledge,” a proof-of-concept video for his vision of what… Read more