Personal Portfolio Round-Up

It's the end of the year, and everyone's relaunching their personal sites. Here are a few that have popped up on our radar.

HBO Voyeur Project

HBO voyeur is a tantalizing project the gives us a glimpse into all the simultaneous lives being acted out in a single apartment building. This… Read more

Comcast “Rabbit”

The script for “Rabbit,” a new Comcast advert directed by Biscuit Filmworks’ Noam Murro, would probably work as a radio spot. But the visuals add… Read more

Jonny Kofoed, PAMS Q&A

What was the initial pitch brief from the agency, and how did you choose to answer it? (I.e. by sticking closely to their wish list… Read more

Dear Sesame St.

Dear Sesame Street,  We, the undersigned, would like to register our concern over the contest you are now conducting with Aniboom. We are concerned that… Read more

How Animation Works

If you’ve ever been curious, New Zealand-based Cirkus explains in irony-laden detail how the commercial 3D animation process works. It’s so simple, even an idiot… Read more

Stylish IDs for ABC1 from zpsace

Sydney-based zspace did a beautiful job on these ABC1 IDs. The CG elements are elegantly simple, the type is understated and the live action is… Read more

Shilo: Winning the War

Watch “The War” Hand-drawn storyboards Shots from the blue screen shoot Style frames Stills from the finished product Motionographer’s Jon Saunders interviewed Andre Stringer and… Read more

Cassiano Prado ‘in Berlin’

New director Cassiano Prado has directed this stunning video for the band Electralane, for their track ‘In Berlin’. The promo is an emotional tour de… Read more

yU+co: Cirque du Freak Titles

[qt: 720 405] Interview with Motionographer’s Brandon Lori: How hands-on was Paul Weitz, director of Cirque du Freak, in the creation of the main title,… Read more

Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more