Lux Provocateur

This new commercial by Bent Image Lab for Lux soap is a stop motion beauty, but there is another element of quality to it that… Read more

Le Soupe: Europe 2 TV

Some of the work in Le Soupe’s montage of IDs for Europe 2 TV really gets under my skin. Sorry. Bad joke. But hey, the… Read more

I’m back, slightly altered

My apologies for this administrative posting, but I wanted to let everyone know I’m back from my month long holiday. Unfortunately, while I was in… Read more

I Met The Walrus

In 1969, Jerry Levitan snuck his way into John Lennon’s hotel room for a brief but wonderfully candid interview. Over 30 years later, Jerry teamed… Read more

Inspire 07 Schedule

Inspire 07 is fast approaching, and I’m getting really excited. This thing has really blown up! Our lineup of speakers is awesome, and the Cream… Read more

The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Elliot Blanchard

Elliot Blanchard is another unsung hero of the New York scene. He is a freelance animator/designer with an impressive collection of work. He has been… Read more

Shilo’s Scion Deviants

Shilo continues its blitz of new motion work with this spot done for ATTIK’s brand new campaign for Scion entitled “Little Deviant”. A very dark… Read more

Blur for Transformers: The Game

Blur established itself long ago as the king of cinematic game trailers. Their new effort for Transformers: The Game continues to raise the bar for… Read more

HBO Voyeur Project

HBO voyeur is a tantalizing project the gives us a glimpse into all the simultaneous lives being acted out in a single apartment building. This… Read more

Happy Hour 3 in L.A.

Motionographer has free tickets for the Friday and Saturday screenings of Happy Hour 3 in LA, August 10th and 11th at the El Portal Theater… Read more

Adam Gault: Lantern Fishes

I’ve raved about Adam Gault before, and as long as he keeps creating amazing work like his recent Lantern Fishes, I’m going to keep on… Read more

Join the Rockband

Pete Candeland & Passion pictures have just released a new cinematic trailer for upcoming game Rockband, for which the few screengrabs above don’t nearly do… Read more

Vietnam VFX Capitulates

Yesterday, I posted a Quickie that exposed one of the most blatant rip-offs I’ve seen in recent years. The site being ripped was this one,… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

Bryce Wymer

Bryce Wymer has relaunched his personal site, and it’s chock full of the good stuff he’s been doing for the last few years. Before becoming… Read more