Patrick O’Brien Foundation

Transfatty (a.k.a. Patrick O’Brien) needs our help. Actually, he and several hundred thousand people need our help. For those who aren’t familiar with him, Transfatty… Read more

Oktobor’s Jonny Kofoed

I saw this cheery Tip Top advert over at Feed, but I wanted to enjoy it at a larger resolution. So I dug a little… Read more

Cream O’ the Crop Criteria

The Cream O’ the Crop is Motionographer’s opinion of the best of the best studios and individuals in the fields of motion graphics, visual effects… Read more

Trent Reznor + Karen O: Immigrant Song

Trent Reznor and Karen O interpet Led Zeppelin’s iconic “Immigrant Song” in this music video, masterminded by the wizards at Blur.

Design I/O: Connected Worlds

Online, it’s hard to get a sense of the visceral impact that large-scale interactive works can have on users. You lose the immersion factor, and… Read more

King & Country

King & Country is a new venture from Rick Gledhill (formerly of Belief), Efrain Montanez (also of Belief) and Jerry Torgerson (of 3 Ring Circus… Read more