Luv Deluxe

24-year-old director Saman Keshavarz has had a lot of success with first times. After scoring big time (YDA, Clio, Emmy) for his apparently first commercial… Read more

F5: New Date, Even Happier!

Since we first announced F5, a little roar has grown louder. Many of you want to attend, but just can’t because of timing. It’s happening… Read more

Prologue: X Men

Director Simon Clowes shared some valuable insight on the title sequence with Motionographer: The majority of these big budget movies have elaborate visual effects and… Read more

See No Evil December

It’s that time of year again! Join us for the See No Evil Christmas Special, an evening of inspiration with Animade & Nomint. Free entry,… Read more

Mike Tosetto: Ausflag

Is it time to change the Australian flag? This piece by Mike Tosetto is cute, quick, and well researched. (Funny enough, this past Sunday, an Australian preacher… Read more

See No Evil August

Add August 6th to your diaries as it’s time for your next inspiration installment! See No Evil presents and evening with the legendary Why Not… Read more


It’s time again for FAUX IMAGES, this time with the killer lineup of AUDIONERVE, BIF/MILL+, STUDIO AKA. Dec 16th, 8pm, LEAP Berlin. Admission is free… Read more

Jay Quercia

Brooklyn-based freelance illustrator and animator Jay Quercia updates with a slick new site and a boatload of new projects. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Jay, and time and… Read more

S/M/L from Tendril

S/M/L is proof that hard work for a failed pitch can still lead to amazing results. Kudos to Tendril for going for it even if… Read more

Artist Profile: Graham Elliott

Everyone finds their own way into the ever-expanding house of motion design. Side doors, back doors, parachuting onto the roof — it seems any entrance… Read more