Credit Where Credit Is Due

When we see something great here at Motionographer HQ, we really like to know who’s behind it. We want to know who it was made… Read more

Introducing Holdframe

In this Motionographer Guest Post, meet Holdframe, a new platform for the animation and motion design community to share, learn, and support their fellow artists.

Looking back, moving on…

It's with a heavy heart that I present you with Justin Cone's last Motionographer post.

Shih-Ting Hung: Viola

For her thesis at USC Cinematic Arts, Shih-Ting Hung‘s thesis film, “VIOLA: The Traveling Rooms of a Little Giant,” is a surreal coming-of-age short that… Read more

Motionographer Holiday Catalog 2011

Well, it’s that time of year again — car-top pine needles, spiked raw egg beverages, off-key caroling, fantastical sweaters, and of course, cheesy TV commercials.… Read more

Best Tutorial Ever?

Wildly entertaining and incredibly practical, are these... the best tutorials ever?

Our Selection Process

All of us at Motionographer are intensely passionate about filmmaking, motion graphics, design, animation, and visual effects. We understand the incredible amount of work it takes… Read more

Nustah – clever idea.

Nustah uses some flash trickery to display pre- and post versions of their work.

OCB Black Thinking Credits

[See original post] Title: “Black Thin King” Client: Republic Technologies Product: OCB Client contact: Valérie Amiguas Advertising agency: Road (Barcelona) Executive creative director: Emilio Lezaun… Read more

Kitteh Kitteh!!

UPDATE: 2 more items are added to the Q&A section, the result of a few readers’ additional query which I followed up with Sam. Sorry… Read more

Lucas Zanotto for TUI

What can you make with paper cut-outs, fishing line, a hole puncher, and a Canon 7D? Lucas Zanotto shows us with his live action animation… Read more

Digital Kitchen: Sundance 07

Digital Kitchen recently created a lushly mechanical (I think that’s the first time I’ve ever combined those words together) bumper-type-thing that played before every movie… Read more