Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Step by Step: Freddy Arenas

In this Step by Step profile, look over the shoulder of one of our industry's best. Here, Freddy Arenas dives deeper into his recent exploration… Read more

SoundOn with Sono Sanctus

What if .gifs didn't have to be silent? In this Motionographer Q&A, we chat with Wesley Slover to find out a bit more about his… Read more

Posting Criteria

When new projects are sent to Motionographer®, we ask ourselves the following questions: Is it innovative? Is it exceptionally well-crafted? Is it built on an… Read more


Publish on Motionographer We invite you to submit any of the following types of content: News Quickies Feature Articles A Word About Quickies Our system… Read more


JM Blay's Magical Quest: Translating Mistborn from Page to Screen - Breaking Free from Constraints to Unleash Creativity

Coca Cola “Avatar”

[qt: 779 438] [Full post] Credits Coca Cola “Avatar” Duration: 1 x 60″, 1×30″ Air Date: 1 February 2009 CLIENT: Coca Cola Client contact: Pio… Read more