Must Drink More Milk [Credits]

Title of spot(s): Cell Phone Charms Client: BC Dairy Foundation PRODUCTION COMPANY Production Company/City/State: Bent Image Lab, Portland, OR Supervising Director: Rob Shaw Director: Jun… Read more

Motion Theory Conducts A Natural Symphony

Inspired by the “Sorcerers Apprentice,” Motion Theory and Director Mathew Cullen just completed “A Natural Symphony” for McCain’s chips. This poetic tale of a farmer’s… Read more

Interview: Psyop for T. Rowe Price

The following is an interview with Mate Steinforth and Gerald Ding and myself, Lauren Indovina regarding Psyop’s “Ink” and “Rice” spots for JWT and T.… Read more

Motion Theory Decodes Beauty

Complexity amongst simplicity, and technology behind raw beauty are the building blocks for Motion Theory’s latest hit for Buick and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Directed… Read more

2015 Hardware Survey Results

At the end of 2015, we invited you to participate in a casual hardware survey, and 854 of you clicked your way through it. Here are… Read more

Psyop: Adidas “Together”

I know Motionographer seems like a Psyop love-fest sometimes, but when one studio creates so much diverse, beautiful, intelligent work, they’re going to get a… Read more

Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Q&A: Throne “Tharsis Sleeps”

What says "heavy metal" more than a few thousand frames of animated embroidery? Here's how it was done.

QuickTime Tip: Fast Start

Just a friendly tip: If you’re compressing a video for the web and you’re using QuickTime to do it, make sure to enable Fast Start.… Read more

Inside SIGGRAPH 2006

Monster Samurai / Grace McNamee Doll Face / Andrew Huang Brush / Victoria Caution Fog (Niebla) / Santi Fort e-scape / Masakazu Takano Mask of… Read more

Inspire 07 Schedule

Inspire 07 is fast approaching, and I’m getting really excited. This thing has really blown up! Our lineup of speakers is awesome, and the Cream… Read more

Final Schedule for Inspire 07

Just got the final schedule for Inspire 07, this time with some details about the sessions. Man, even if I wasn’t helping organize this thing,… Read more

The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Only Say Yes When It’s Yes

As the President of The Ashy Agency and Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Broadcast Design Association (BDA), Brett Ashy has worked with… Read more