Royale 2.0 launches

Royale relaunches with loads of new work and a podcast of their portfolio

Greg Herman: More Chi 2.0

It’s been a long time coming, but Motionographer’s very own Greg Herman has finally relaunched his web presence, More Chi. It was totally worth the… Read more

Motionographer Jobs 2.0

Photo by Marius Kallhardt Last week, the Motionographer Jobs database went kaput, and we lost all of the job listings. After pulling out my hair,… Read more

2015 Hardware Survey Results

At the end of 2015, we invited you to participate in a casual hardware survey, and 854 of you clicked your way through it. Here are… Read more

Trailer Thrash

First and foremost, kudos to Justin for running this amazing website and acting as the provider to all of us in the motion world, no… Read more

Fois Gras

Fun little animation about Fois Gras. I know it’s very very cruel, but it is tasty—I feel so torn!

Making “The Wisdom of Pessimism”

For his directorial debut, Claudio Salas took on an ambitious challenge: a 2-minute visual essay for the philosopher Alain de Botton’s School of Life project.  What began as… Read more

Yule Log 2.015

Your favorite digital holiday tradition is back! For the 3rd season in a row, the Yule Log project has invited artists from around the world… Read more

Inside SIGGRAPH 2006

Monster Samurai / Grace McNamee Doll Face / Andrew Huang Brush / Victoria Caution Fog (Niebla) / Santi Fort e-scape / Masakazu Takano Mask of… Read more

Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

With nearly 20 years experience under his belt, Sean McClintock has done a little bit of everything.  From the early days of Flash during the… Read more