Motion and code: Getting to know Lucas Zanotto

Italian-born designer/animator Lucas Zanotto’s career is as varied and playful as his creations.  Moving seamlessly between analogue and digital techniques, he’s created commercials, short films,… Read more

School Profile: CalArts

Conceived by Walt Disney in 1960 and established through a merger of two older art schools, CalArts is one of the nation's premiere institutions for… Read more

Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Understanding Patrick Clair

Ever wonder what makes Patrick Clair’s work so darn good? Nol Honig sits down with the Emmy Award-winning title designer to find out. Hint: it’s… Read more

Introducing Holdframe

In this Motionographer Guest Post, meet Holdframe, a new platform for the animation and motion design community to share, learn, and support their fellow artists.

Join the movement

In this Motionographer Q&A, we chat with Jorge Rolando Canedo Estrada of Ordinary Folk and Joey Korenman of School of Motion about their new manifesto.


JM Blay's Magical Quest: Translating Mistborn from Page to Screen - Breaking Free from Constraints to Unleash Creativity

Rooftop Films: NYC

Rooftop Films, NYC: “This is What We Mean by Short Films.” 5/15 @ 8

Universal Everything Refreshes MTV

Universal Everything’s recent refresh for MTV’s 64 international channels is notable for what it DOES NOT do. As opposed to MTV’s long-standing tradition of constantly… Read more

Motion Matters’ Sponsored Spaces

Reach a motion-savvy audience looking for unexpected inspiration in innovative products, services and solutions. Promote your studio, initiative, product or service to an audience that… Read more

Newsletter Advertisers

Reach an all-new, motion-savvy audience looking for products and solutions.  Promote your product or service to an all-new audience that is actively looking for recommendations.… Read more

Articles and Interviews

A Conversation with Mate Steinforth April 18, 2012 Go! SXSW 2012: Animated Shorts April 10, 2012 Go! Motionographer’s Role in the Industry (Right Now) April… Read more