Tronic + Brandfirst: Yahoo! Trail of Tiles

[pro-player image=”” width=”720″ height=”400″][/pro-player] Commissioned by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for Yahoo!. Additional details from the press release: The sequence opens with an attract mode… Read more

Sony “Television Redefined”

Hints of Patrick Daughters in this stream-of-consciousness live action spot from Sony. 2D animation by Not To Scale’s Steve Scott. If anyone can find full… Read more

Prologue: X Men

Director Simon Clowes shared some valuable insight on the title sequence with Motionographer: The majority of these big budget movies have elaborate visual effects and… Read more

Prologue: X-Men

The main sequence for X-Men: First Class, produced by Prologue, has a special retro/2D hand-made feel and serves as a strong example of how a… Read more

Dirty Puppet for Bulmers

Dirty Puppet delivers with a beautiful, fantastically animated graphic piece for Bulmers.

Method Design for The Avengers

Beautiful and simple, Method Design’s (a division of Method Studios) end title sequence for Marvel’s latest blockbuster features exquisitely detailed, close-up shots of The Avengers’ costumes.… Read more

OFFF 2012 Titles

Upperfirst has collaborated with Brosmind to create this fantastically original opening title for this years OFFF festival in Barcelona. This epic and entertaining tale plots the saviour… Read more

Lemoine for Woodkid: Run Boy Run

As powerful as it is seemingly simple, Yoann Lemoine (aka Woodkid) once again develops a vibrant grayscale storyline through an intense and sensorial concoction of… Read more

Motionographer Classics: Chris Landreth

In the early days of the internet, downloading videos often meant painstakingly collecting sequential 1.44mb .rar files, hoping none of them were corrupted, and finally… Read more