Ben & Julia: Dove Nets

Updated with Q&A A couple of weeks ago I posted a music video by Ben & Julia for The Main Drag‘s song ‘Dove Nets’. Ben… Read more

Dan Gregoras

When it comes to individual talent in our community there are a few of us that enjoy receiving some attention for our work. We build… Read more

Airside + Demos: The Power Gap

British think-tank Demos teamed up with creative agency Airside to create “The Power Gap,” a three-minute visual essay that surveys the history of power structures… Read more

Arev Manoukian: Nuit Blanche

A couple years ago, it seemed everyone and their mother was shooting with a Phantom camera, capturing life’s minutiae in ultra slow-motion. While the results… Read more

Rise and Fall Q&A:

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough Questions: How did this project come about? What was the initial brief from ‘boards magazine? We were contacted by Nexus… Read more

YMCA: Head Gear Animation

Head Gear Animation and TBWA\Vancouver created this charming spot for YMCA, titled ‘Questions’. Its important message is definitely worth pondering, especially for people like us… Read more

Pixels Q&A with Patrick Jean

With over 2,026,435 views of the official film on Dailymotion in the six days since its release, Pixels has really spread far and wide very… Read more

Clemens Kogler’s Phonovideo

Austrian student Clemens Kogler just released a new film called Phonovideo which is an intriguing mix of cel-animation that was shot and edited in a… Read more

BL:ND: “Lilac Wine”

“Lilac Wine” is a music video directed by Vanessa Marzaroli of Bl:nd to celebrate Dr. Marten’s 50th anniversary. The song is Cinematic Orchestra’s rendition of… Read more


Upgraded by popular internal and external demand! Check out blu‘s latest short film — BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the… Read more

Bill Sneed for Outside Royalty

It’s always pretty impressive when we come across a piece of work that was pretty much single-handedly done by one artist, and done very well.… Read more

Nathan Love: “NBC Peacock”

Nathan Love is up to its old tricks, yet again, in NBC Peacock. In collaboration with NBC Artworks, the studio has created an animated station… Read more

Sam Mason’s Miniature Worlds

I first saw the work of Sam Mason a few months ago with his graduation film, Wild Robot; a surreal, psychedelic sci-fi piece inspired by… Read more

Friday Mix: Radium Audio

Wake up. It’s Friday. The weekend is so near you can smell it. Granted, it smells like beer and cigarettes, but you still need it.… Read more

LAIKA/house for Planters

LAIKA/house animation director, Mark Gustafson (fresh off his work as animation director for Fantastic Mr. Fox), teams up with Ringan Ledwidge to create a great… Read more