Pleix does it again

Unlike Justin, I’m a huge fan of music videos. I think it’s a perfect opportunity for experimentation and a good vehicle for a short story.… Read more

More Ugo!

Just wanted to bump Ugo over here from the quickies. As former art director at Eyeball, I think he does some refreshing, smart, and overall… Read more

BNS offers new courses.

BNS updates their site with diverse work for Adobe, Chase & Doritos that spans the gamut of motion design: they’ve done character design and stop-motion… Read more

More National: Honda Odyssey

At least I’m pretty sure it’s National. I saw this Honda Odyssey spot on TV and instantly looked it up. I love the fluidity of… Read more

Amautalab: Tokyo.Now

It’s been a while since I’ve dropped by Amautalab’s site, and it looks like they’ve updated since my last visit. I’m particularly keen on the… Read more

Len Lye

Sorry for the lack of posts from me lately. I’m in the middle of a week-long road trip from Savannah to San Francisco, and it… Read more

Exopolis: Turner Classic Movies

Exopolis created an interesting painterly 3D world for a new TCM promo. The promo is actually a revisioning of an Edward Hopper inspired promo that… Read more

Buck: Shortz

I’m not sure how long these have been up, but I just noticed that Buck has posted a series of bumper-ish pieces they created for… Read more

Gregoire Poget’s Helio spots

Unless I’m mistaken, I think these spots for Helio’s “Ocean” phone came out some time back, but I never really heard anything about their creation.… Read more

JL Design do Disney and more

Taiwan Studio JL Design recently finished a series of spots for Disney Channel Taiwan. While it’s not something that will blow you away if you… Read more

DAf: FIAN “Face It Act Now!”

Chilean studio DAf has created a yummy PSA for FIAN (FoodFirst Information and Action Network) based in Germany. DAf handled everything from script to music,… Read more

Dove Onslaught

Get used to this one. You’re going to see a lot of it, I’m sure. Dove’s first viral in this series, “Evolution,” won a Grand… Read more

Vancouver 2010 Mascot Animations

Meet Miga, Quachi and Sumi, the cuddly mascots for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, in this fun animated short from the grand masters at Buck. Although… Read more

Virgin America Safety Video

This, I believe, marks the first time I’ve ever actually paid attention to an entire flight safety demonstration. Virgin America’s agency Anomaly is responsible for… Read more

Benjamin Goldman: New York Divided

I’m not sure how old this project is, but a reader recently shared with me a Benjamin Goldman-directed visual essay, “New York Divided; Slavery and… Read more

Trembled Blossoms

Starring a denuded Eve-like figure, Trembled Blossoms is another attempt for a high-end fashion company to capture the power of moving pixels. I’m not sure… Read more

AENY Celebrates One Year

This week’s After Effects NY meeting looks like it’ll fun. To celebrate their first year as a successful user group, AENY is hosting Tronic and… Read more