Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

[…] notes. Q&A with Sean McClintock Okay, first things first. How do you describe yourself (professionally)?  I’d say I’m a mildly obsessive designer/illustrator/director with a focus… Read more

Buck Dews it Again

Buck is back again with another installment for their Mountain Dew campaign. This one brings us through a brief history of the product as we… Read more

Johnny Kelly’s Play for YouTube

Nexus Production’s director Johnny Kelly just made this short film for YouTube Play, an exhibition that YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum in NYC are calling… Read more

Version2: AICP

[…] become one and the same thing. That’s the magical recipe for nostalgia. That’s the thing that makes us feel goodâ€â€?righteous, evenâ€â€?when we say, “Yeah,… Read more

Lexus Pop Up

[…] turning the pages on a book that large at a rate that could accommodate a 30-second spot was problematicâ€?. The solution? “roduction built a… Read more


[…] :60 Pioneer spot entitled “Enter.” I’ve long been a fan of Superfad, so it’s very vindicating to take a spin through this updated portfolio… Read more

Justin Harder: Lobstermen

[…] tongue-in-cheek and genuinely spooky is fantastic. The lightning strike at the beginning of the spot gets me every time. UPDATE:Some nice making-of imagery over… Read more

Brand New School is Laid Back

[…] worth posting about. Each shot is so beautifully composed. This isn’t live action with 3D thrown into the mix; it’s design. Balanced, well-planned design.… Read more

Universal Everything / Nokia

[…] project from our favorite northern designer, Matt Pyke; We’ve wanted to make a Global Animation since 2004, the idea of having two parallel narratives… Read more

Coca-Cola “Unity”

[…] player bringing an army of cultural icons to his aid. As with most of S&F’s work, the beauty is in the details, and this… Read more

Blood Trail Interview

[…] shot was composed. We all had so much fun with this project, everyone was going the extra distance to bring it to life. What… Read more