Gravity: Pelephone “Music”

[qt: 720 576] Israel’s Gravity strikes again for telecom Pelephone and agency Adler, Chomsky & Warshavsky. As with previously posted work (here and here), “Music”… Read more

La Linea & Estacao Sigma

La Linea is an Italian cartoon series created by Osvaldo Cavandoli. Bibi’s Blog already said everything you need to know about this series so I’ll… Read more

Elephants Dream

I’m posting Elephants Dream mainly because of the production story behind it. Created primarily using open source software (with Blender doing the heavy lifting), this… Read more


Netherlands-based Studio Smack was commissioned by the Museum de Beyerd in Breda to create “Kapitaal,” an interesting look at the ubiquity of signs (I mean… Read more

Robert Seidel “Futures”

A while back on Tween, I posted Robert Seidel’s experimental short, “_grau,” with a healthy does of praise attached. I’m happy to announce that Robert… Read more