2015 Hardware Survey Results

At the end of 2015, we invited you to participate in a casual hardware survey, and 854 of you clicked your way through it. Here are… Read more

Looking back, moving on…

It's with a heavy heart that I present you with Justin Cone's last Motionographer post.

Interview: Quayola

Quayola at MUV festival in Florence, Italy. Watch Architectural Density Watch Path to Abstraction – Live A/V show Rome – S. Agnese Lambda Print –… Read more

Motion design education: MoGraph Mentor

My recent op-ed post, “6 Problems with Motion Design Education,” looked at challenges facing students and educators through the lens of brick-and-mortar design schools. But over the last 20… Read more

Motion plus design

Pour la première fois en France, Motion Plus Design invite 8 des plus grands noms du Motion Design international à Paris! INVITÉS : GUEST #1… Read more

Loop De Loop

LoopdeLoop is an animation challenge. Animators from around the world create looping animations based on a given topic and submit them to www.loopdeloop.org. At the… Read more