Creative Parents, Creative Kids

In collaboration with reader Joe Linton, we conducted an informal survey in May asking parents about the role that creativity played in their parenting. We… Read more

Not to Scale relaunch

Not to Scale’s elegant new web presence is brimming with subtle animation and elegant typography befitting their nearly 10 years of existence as an international… Read more

Motion Design: 10 Second Survey

Lilian Darmono, Lola Landekic, Victoria Nece and Bran Dougherty-Johnson have put together a quick (10 seconds or less) survey to get a basic sense of… Read more

Off the Record

For her documentary, “Off the Record,” Laura Sans interviewed a wide range of creative professionals — including notable motion folks like Danny Yount and Man… Read more

Pep Rally is born

PepRally has quietly launched. The studio is part of a growing trend of director/designer/animators creating new opportunities for work that fall outside the normal scope of freelance.… Read more

Motion Conference 2014

Motion Conference is coming up August 15-17. The lineup includes Mark Coleran, Brian Bowman, Vinicius Naldi and nice cross section of others.


Brad Tucker & Darren Jaffe have just teamed up as Flavor (Los Angeles) and this is their reel!

Roof launches in NYC

Founders Vinicius Costa, Guto Terni and Crystal Campbell have launched Roof, a new studio in NYC.

Alma Mater

Imaginary Forces alums Brian Mah, James Anderson and Kathy Kelehan have opened Alma Mater.