Just a Friendly Reminder

Just want to remind everybody of a few ground rules that have always been in place at Motionographer. Most of this stuff is on the… Read more

Buck: Contractopia

Construction contracting has to be one of the driest possible topics for a commercial spot, right up there with accounting and insurance. Despite this, Buck… Read more

Brickyard VFX: Sprint

I’ve gotten a few emails about the new “Sprint Ahead” campaign, but I’ve been a little slow to post it (for reasons I’ll explain later).… Read more

E4 Music IDs Directed by Andy Martin

[flv:http://motionographermedia.com/andymartin/e4music.flv 468 263] This I promise: If you watch all 30 of the titles and IDs that Andy Martin designed and directed for E4 Music… Read more