The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Just a Friendly Reminder

Just want to remind everybody of a few ground rules that have always been in place at Motionographer. Most of this stuff is on the… Read more

Great Scott!

Steve Scott recently updated his site and put up loads of work. Steve is a London-based illustrator and animation director, who is currently represented by… Read more

A New Model: Hooray or Nay?

I got an email recently from The Radar Festival about a new initiative they’ve launched. Here’s the gist of it straight from the horse’s mouth:… Read more

EyeballNYC: Microsoft Sync

EyeballNYC recently finished a print and broadcast campaign for Microsoft Sync, a new voice-activated technology available in some new American cars. The series includes three… Read more

I Was a Layer Tennis Competitor.

Last Friday I took part in the first Layer Tennis match done in After Effects. My opponent was Jason Koxvold, who I had previously collaborated… Read more

31 Days of Oscar

This spot for Turner Classic Movies by Fresh Paint is full of subtle and effective visual effects that tie together a montage of classic movie… Read more

Cassiano Prado ‘in Berlin’

New director Cassiano Prado has directed this stunning video for the band Electralane, for their track ‘In Berlin’. The promo is an emotional tour de… Read more

CareerBuilder Help Yourself Credits

[Original Post] PROJECT NAME: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? and “Help You Help Youâ€? RUNNING TIME: 2 x :60 DATE OF FIRST AIRING: “Self-Help Yourselfâ€? 2/3/08, “Help… Read more

Jeffrey Metzner: 1941-2008

Jeffrey Metzner, head of the Motion Graphics dept at the School of Visual Art, passed away Friday, February 15th. While I didn’t know Mr. Metzner,… Read more

A Doggy Bag from Supinfocom

[flv: 468 374] Three students from France’s Supinfocom school—Guillaume Cassuto, Thomas Moine and Sylvain Perlot—have produced another fine CG short in their school’s tradition of… Read more

Semiconductor Films

Semiconductor Films (Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt) have been creating their Sound Films and Live Animations for almost ten years now (long before folks were… Read more

Only Say Yes When It’s Yes

As the President of The Ashy Agency and Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Broadcast Design Association (BDA), Brett Ashy has worked with… Read more

Maxon Announces Cinema 4D R11

Maxon announced features of its upcoming Cinema 4D R11 release at SIGGRAPH yesterday. Here are some juicy bits from the press release: CINEMA 4D R11… Read more

Psyop for Smith & Nephew

Psyop has dropped a painterly new spot for Smith & Nephews (viewable in HD on Vimeo). Directed by Eben Mears and Mate Steinforth, who’s sharing… Read more

PSST! Pass it on…for Over the Rhine

Democratic moving image project “PSST! Pass it on” have just created their first music promo for the Cincinnati, Ohio-based band, Over The Rhine. The “PSST!”… Read more