Design I/O: Connected Worlds

Online, it’s hard to get a sense of the visceral impact that large-scale interactive works can have on users. You lose the immersion factor, and… Read more

Playgrounds Festival 2015 [NSFW]

Ten Dutch designers and studios collaborated to make the titles for this year's edition of the Playgrounds Festival. The result it one happy, random, neatly… Read more

My Darling’s Shadow

Every frame of Conor Whelan's latest short, "My Darling’s Shadow," is a beautiful study of composition, color and reduction of form. I watched the film… Read more

School Profile: CalArts

Conceived by Walt Disney in 1960 and established through a merger of two older art schools, CalArts is one of the nation's premiere institutions for… Read more

Trailer Thrash

First and foremost, kudos to Justin for running this amazing website and acting as the provider to all of us in the motion world, no… Read more

Fois Gras

Fun little animation about Fois Gras. I know it’s very very cruel, but it is tasty—I feel so torn!

2015 Hardware Survey Results

At the end of 2015, we invited you to participate in a casual hardware survey, and 854 of you clicked your way through it. Here are… Read more

Motion plus design

Pour la première fois en France, Motion Plus Design invite 8 des plus grands noms du Motion Design international à Paris! INVITÉS : GUEST #1… Read more

Newsletter Advertisers

Reach an all-new, motion-savvy audience looking for products and solutions.  Promote your product or service to an all-new audience that is actively looking for recommendations.… Read more

Inside SIGGRAPH 2006

Monster Samurai / Grace McNamee Doll Face / Andrew Huang Brush / Victoria Caution Fog (Niebla) / Santi Fort e-scape / Masakazu Takano Mask of… Read more