The Last Job on Earth

"The Last Job on Earth" portrays a dystopian future populated by robot cats, malfunctioning medical machines and a profound unemployment problem. But is it inevitable?

Process: The Feel Good Bakery

weareseventeen's adorable spot for The Feel Good Bakery is a break from the conceptual CG work for which they're known. The spot's director explains why… Read more


Aiko is a haunting tale of struggle and loss set in a world very much like our own... but with monsters.

Aardman Nathan Love is born

If you’ve been following the infectious teasers released earlier this month from Nathan Love, you know that they’ve been holding back some news. Today, the news… Read more

ANL #1 and ANL #2

Nathan Love creates a wacky and charming teaser video, hinting of big news to come.


Ronda's Fernán Graziano directed and co-wrote clever animated vignettes that teach the principles of color combination.