Blend Manifesto

From the candy coated palette to its cheery metaphors of rainbows and confetti, the manifesto video for the upcoming Blend conference is bubbling over with the… Read more

The Genius of Play

Working with Mash Studio, Tom Rainford focused his directorial talents on The Genius of Play, a 9-part animation series for for the Toy Industry Association.  Each of the 9… Read more

Tako Faito!

Giant Ant just released an eye-popping, action-packed in-house short, “Tako Faito!” We wanted to push our cel character animation in a character-driven piece—in this case,… Read more

Zulu Alpha Kilo: Spec

This video is making the rounds on social media, and for good reason. It’s funny, smart and spot on. Just in case you’re lost, allow… Read more

Blackmath: TBS IDs

Blackmath deliver yet again with some great design and animation on these charming IDs for TBS. Don’t you just wish everything you worked on could… Read more